Waterloo United Methodist Church
The Waterloo Village United Methodist Church
Prefer virtual services? Stream services live or on your time through our Facebook page!
COVID Guidelines (effective 03/2022):
Stay home if you don't feel well
Dress warm, as we will continue to ventilate the buildings
Wear a mask if you prefer, but masks are now optional
Readers/speakers should only speak without a mask from behind the plexiglass
If possible, use every other pew indoors
Obtain consent before coming closer than 6 feet or touching others
Sign in/provide contact info if attending an indoor service
Who are the People of Waterloo?
Welcome to ALL...
Who hope for a better world & who have lost hope
Believers & seekers
Conventional Christians & questioning skeptics
Adults, youth, & children
Of all sexual orientations & gender identities
Of all races & cultures
Of all income levels
Of all social classes
Of all physical & mental abilities
Come as You Are...You Are Welcome!
Please check out our Events page to see what we're up to!
We strive to be an embracing community, welcoming all.
We are open to God's guidance and creative spirit as we serve in historic Waterloo Village.